Abbi Brown, First time mum, 36 

Hypnobirthing - a word I had heard a few times prior to falling pregnant, but I wasn’t sure what it actually was! Some magic solution or a hypnotised trance that would miraculously take away any labour pain?! I was unsure what to expect but I knew it was something I wanted to do! 

I attended the two day hypnobirthing course with Ruth. It gave me the knowledge and understanding of labour and how your body performs throughout. It also gave me the relaxation techniques to practice so I could remain calm and release plenty of oxytocin. I felt educated and ready for labour. 

On those overdue days, I also felt supported by Ruth. I received subtle text messages that would reassure me and I knew if I had any questions, she was at the end of the phone. It was invaluable to feel so supported at such an hormonal and emotional time in your life.

My birth story... 

On Wednesday 29th January, I was 6 days overdue and getting a little bit anxious as I was booked in for an induction on the Sunday. Something I really wanted to avoid if I could!

I had been for a sweep a couple of days before but there still wasn’t any movement despite the midwife feeling the baby’s head during the sweep!

I had booked in for reflexology in the morning as a friend had told me this really helps relax and get your body ready for labour and it did just that!

At around 6pm, I started to feel slight period pain like cramps and felt a little excited that this could be the night! I finished my cottage pie and thought to myself, that could be my last meal for a while. I lay on the sofa, chatting to Ash, wondering what the night would bring. 

At around 8pm the cramps were getting a little stronger and I knew that this was it. We were booked in for a home birth so at around 9pm I called the midwives to give them the heads up, so I was on their radar. I phoned through and there was a slight pause on the phone.... someone had phoned in sick which meant that home births were called off due to staffing numbers. I felt totally deflated and gutted,

I’d planned for this for a number of months and had the pool at the ready. They advised that at 7.30am a new member of the team would start and they would be back on call. This gave me a little hope, as I knew labour could be long with your first.

I told Ash and tried to remain calm. Ash continued to record my surges on an app and at 10pm we decided to go to bed to get some rest. The surges were starting to get stronger and more frequent but I could still talk through these. 

At around 10.30 the surges were stronger and I definitely couldn’t sleep! To try and relax, Ash ran me a bath. I practiced lots of my breathing and relaxation techniques in the bath months before, so I knew this would help me get in the zone.  I listened to my hypnobirthing playlist and concentrated on my upward breathing whilst Ash recorded my surges. When they become stronger, around every 5 minutes, I rang through to the hospital. They advised me to come down, so at 12 we headed on down to the hospital picking up my mum on route. The surges were strong and regular now and I was really having to concentrate on my breathing to get through them - 4 in, 8 out.... 4 in, 8 out....

On arrival to the hospital, I was taken to ‘The Sanctuary’ part of the labour ward. Due to me ringing through prior, they knew I was a little anxious.  I’d planned for a home-birth due to my phobia of hospitals. The Sanctuary was calm and quiet and I was greeted by two midwifes who took me into a dimly lit room filled with the scent of lavender and the biggest bath. It felt like a spa! 

I instantly felt relaxed. I gave them my birth plan and showed them my surges on the phone app. They asked if I’d like to be examined and I said yes.  On examination I was only 1cm dilated.  I was relieved as this meant I could go home and I might get my home birth after all! 

However, after a few minutes of being left on our own in the room, I said to Ash and my mum how amazing and calm the room was and I felt so relaxed. I asked the midwife if I could stay for half an hour and she was more than happy for me to do this and ran me a bath. 

I got into the bath and continued my breathing during each surge. They were very intense now. The next hour was a bit of a blur, totally in my own little zone and concentrating on my breathing. 

The midwife returned to the room, I’d been in the bath for about an hour and half. I was listening to my body and I felt a change, like I wanted to push. I explained this to the midwife and she asked if I’d like examining again. I got out the bath and she checked - I was fully dilated and ready for the next stage. I couldn’t believe it! Even she was surprised! At this point I had the strongest surge ever! There was a moment of panic and my whole body spasmed and I knew this was the transition point. I had read many labour stories on the run up and I hear the same thing at the transition stage of labour, a slight wave of panic but once the midwife mentioned I was transitioning I knew that I was about to embark on the downwards phase and I was even closer to meeting my baby.  Without the knowledge of hypnobirthing, I wouldn’t of even known this word or stage and how to listen to your body. 

I got back in the pool, they warmed the water and I knew it wouldn’t be long until I was meeting my baby (a phrase I would say in my head often to keep me focused).  I was still calm, using every hypnobirthing tecqnique I had learnt and practiced. Remaining calm, trying to release as much oxytocin as possible. I have a fear of being sick so had no drugs and no gas and air. 

It took me a few surges to change to downward breathing. The surges were so intense but each time they’d stop I was able to chat. It really is the most surreal experience, how you can’t talk one minute and the next you are fine.

The midwifes had a mirror and a torch to keep checking the progress. On one surge they told me they could see the crown of the baby’s head, I felt relieved! This spurred me on even more. After a few more long pushes, a burning sensation, the head was out! I knew that the hardest part was over and on my next push I would meet my baby. I felt my baby rotate and I waited for my next surge to arrive. I gave a long push and felt the biggest relief. I pulled my baby up straight onto my chest, kissing its hairy head. As part of my birth plan, I was to announce the sex, it was a girl!! Much to my shock as everyone was convinced I was having a boy. 

I lay in the pool, cuddling and calming my baby. I couldn’t believe ‘she’ was here. We did delayed cord clamping and then Ash cut the cord. 

Etty Florence (Florrie) born at 5.36am Thursday 30th Jan | 8lb14.5oz

I can honestly say throughout my whole labour experience I wasn’t frighted at any point. I knew my choices, listened to my body and felt supported throughout. My sister and a few friends are now pregnant and I’m jealous they get to experience this soon.

Without attending the course, I wouldn’t have felt in control of my labour, known my options, known my body and I'm sure my labour experience would have been totally different. 

I look back on my labour and it really was the most amazing experience. I’m not saying it was easy, it was one of the hardest but also the most amazing and rewarding things at the same time and this was all down to Hypnobirthing.

I practiced on the months leading up to the birth, listening to the relaxation tracks in the bath and whilst going to sleep. I also practiced my breathing which I’d say was the biggest thing that helped me focus and stay strong and relaxed throughout.

So in a nutshell, for anyone unsure about Hypnobirthing, I would recommend if....

You want to have the knowledge about labour and how it works 

Know your choices throughout labour 

You will need to practice! 

Clear your mind of negative stories

Focus on you and your baby 

Have a clear birth plan but know this is just a guide and things often change 

Be excited for labour - I really was like bring it on, I’d practised for months and was ready! 

Have relaxation techniques to release oxytocin


Ferne and Jamie Home Birth


Lucy and Tom Induction